جمل على past perfect
جمل على past perfect, يعتبر الماضي التام Past perfect من أقل الأزمنة استخداماَ في اللغة الإنجليزية. يستخدم الماضي التام Past perfect لترتيب الأحداث.
جمل على past perfect
حيث نجد أنه يرتب حدثين وقعا في الماضي، فنضع الحدث الذي وقع أولاً في الماضي التام Past perfect، أما الحدث الثاني يوضع في الماضي البسيط.
امثلة على past perfect الاثبات
تتكون الجملة المثبتة في الماضي التام Past perfect:
Subject+ had+ past participle.
على سبيل المثال:
She had cleaned the house before she cocked.
He fixed the car after he had bought the vegetables.
After she had eaten, she studied.
The meeting had ended by the time I came.
They had checked the equipment before climbing the mountain.
They went to the restaurant after they had finished the exam.
He had eaten the pizza before his brother came.
She had worked in this school before she got married.
He had written this book before his son was born.
I had slept before they came.
He had drank tea by the time he had breakfast.
جمل على Past Perfect Tense النفي
لنفي الجملة في past perfect نضع not بعد had.
بحيث تكون صيغة الجملة كالتالي:
Subject+ had+ not+ past participle.
على سبيل المثال:
She hadn’t cleaned the house before she cocked.
He hadn’t bought the vegetables before he fixed the car after he .
She hadn’t eaten before she studied.
The meeting hadn’t ended by the time I came.
They hadn’t checked the equipment before climbing the mountain.
They hadn’t went to the restaurant before the exam.
He hadn’t eaten the pizza before his brother came.
She hadn’t worked in this school before she got married.
He hadn’t written this book before his son was born.
I hadn’t slept before they came.
He hadn’t drank tea by the time he had breakfast.
جمل على present perfect الاستفهام
أولاً Yes\ No Question
لتكوين سؤال بمعني هل في الماضي التام present perfect نقدم had على الفاعل ثم يليه الفعل في التصريف الثالث كالتالي:
Had+ subject+ past participle?
على سبيل المثال:
Had she cleaned the house before she cocked?
Had he bought the vegetables before He fixed the car?
Had she eaten before she studied?.
Had the meeting ended by the time you came?
Had they checked the equipment before climbing the mountain?
Had they finished the exam before they went to the restaurant?
Had he eaten the pizza before his brother came?
Had she worked in this school before she got married?
Had he written this book before his son was born?
Had you slept before they came?
Had he drank tea by the time he had breakfast.
ثانياً Wh Qyestion
لتكوين سؤال بأدوات الاستفهام في الماضي التام present perfect نقدم أداة الاستفهام على الصيغة السابقة كالتالي:
Wh+ had+ subject+ past participle?
على سبيل المثال:
What had she done before she cocked?
Why had he bought the vegetables before He fixed the car?
What had she eaten before she studied
When had the meeting ended?
When had they checked the equipment?
What had they done before they went to the restaurant?
Why had he eaten the pizza before his brother came?
When had she worked in this school?
When had he written this book?
Why had you slept before they came?
Why had he drank tea by the time he had breakfast?.
امثلة على past perfect المبني للمجهول
لتحويل الجملة من المبني للمعلوم إلى المبني للمجهول في الماضي التام past perfect نتبع الصيغة التالية:
Object+ had +been +past participle.
على سبيل المثال:
She had cleaned the house. → The house had been cleaned.
He had bought the vegetables. → The vegetables had been bought.
They had checked the equipment. → The equipment had been checked.
He had eaten the pizza. → The pizza had been eaten.
He had written this book before his son was born. → This book had been written before his son was born.
He had drank the tea. → The tea had been drunk.
استخدامات past perfect
يمكن استخدام زمن الماضي التام لخلق إحساس بالتسلسل أو النظام في القصة. ويمكن استخدامه أيضًا للتأكيد على حقيقة أن حدثًا ما قد حدث قبل حدث آخر.
فيما يلي بعض النصائح لاستخدام زمن الماضي التام بشكل صحيح:
- تأكد من أن الفعل الموصوف بزمن الماضي التام قد حدث قبل الفعل الموصوف بزمن الماضي البسيط.
- استخدم زمن الماضي التام فقط عندما يكون من الضروري إظهار أن حدثًا ما قد حدث قبل حدث آخر.
- تجنب استخدام زمن الماضي التام عندما لا يكون ترتيب الأحداث مهمًا أو عندما يقع الحدثان في نفس الوقت.
على سبيل المثال:
Before I got a car, I had always walked to school. (حدث المشي إلى المدرسة بشكل متكرر في الماضي قبل حدث الحصول على سيارة).)
Before she moved to the city, she had always lived in a small town.(حدث العيش في بلدة صغيرة بشكل متكرر في الماضي قبل حدث الانتقال إلى المدينة)
Before he got married, he had often traveled the world. (حدث السفر حول العالم بشكل متكرر في الماضي قبل الزواج)
تمارين على past perfect
والآن اليك بعض التمارين على past perfect tense:
السؤال 1:
اكتب جملة في الماضي التام باستخدام الفعل “to eat”.
- الجواب الصحيح:
I had eaten breakfast before I went to school.
السؤال 2:
اكتب جملة في الماضي التام باستخدام الفعل “to go”.
- الجواب الصحيح:
I had gone to the park before it rained.
اكتب جملة في الماضي التام باستخدام الفعل “to drink”.
- الجواب الصحيح:
I had drunk coffee before I went to work.
السؤال 4:
اكتب جملة في الماضي التام باستخدام الفعل “to read”.
- الجواب الصحيح:
I had read the book before I returned it to the library.
السؤال 5:
اكتب جملة في الماضي التام باستخدام الفعل “to write”.
- الجواب الصحيح:
I had written the letter before I mailed it.
السؤال 6:
اكتب جملة في الماضي التام باستخدام الفعل “to speak”.
- الجواب الصحيح:
I had spoken to my friend before I went home.
السؤال 7:
اكتب جملة في الماضي التام باستخدام الفعل “to listen”.
- الجواب الصحيح:
I had listened to the music before I went to sleep.
السؤال 8:
اكتب جملة في الماضي التام باستخدام الفعل “to watch”.
- الجواب الصحيح:
I had watched the movie before I went to bed.
السؤال 9:
ترجم الجمل التالية إلى اللغة العربية:
I had eaten breakfast before I went to school.
We had gone to the beach last weekend.
He had read a book yesterday.
She had watched a movie last night.
It had snowed last week.
- كنت قد أكلت الإفطار قبل الذهاب إلى المدرسة.
- كنا قد ذهبنا إلى الشاطئ في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع.
- كان قد قرأ كتابًا أمس.
- كانت قد شاهدت فيلمًا الليلة الماضية.
- كان قد تساقطت الثلوج الأسبوع الماضي.
وبهذا القدر عزيزي الطالب نكون قدمنا لكم بعض النماذج من جمل على past perfect, ويمكنك رؤية المزيد من موضوعات القواعد التعليمية للغة الانجليزية من خلال الروابط التاليه: